Getting Started

“Hello World” - TFUtils style

We will take our first steps with TFUtils by training the cononical MNIST network and saving the results to a MongoDB database (The following assumes you have successfully completed the installation process).

Configuring MongoDB

Before we can begin training MNIST, we must locate a running instance of MongoDB and determine the port it is listening to (by default, MongoDB is set to listen on port 27017).

To verify that an instance of MongoDB is running on your machine, type

$ps aux | grep mongod

which should produce an output resembling

root      8030  0.3  0.8 13326208376 1165680 ? Sl   Aug07 170:37 /usr/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongod.conf

Look for the lines:

# network interfaces
  port: 29101

in the mongod configuration file (/etc/mongod.conf above) to determine the port,

These tests show basic procedures for training, validating, and extracting features from models.

Note about MongoDB:

The tests require a MongoDB instance to be available on the port defined by “testport” in the code below. This db can either be local to where you run these tests (and therefore on ‘localhost’ by default) or it can be running somewhere else and then by ssh-tunneled on the relevant port to the host where you run these tests. [That is, before testing, you’d run

ssh -f -N -L  [testport]:localhost:[testport] [username]@mongohost.xx.xx

on the machine where you’re running these tests. [mongohost] is the where the mongodb instance is running.

Specifying an Experiment

Now that we have a database ready to store our training results, let’s specify how they will be saved. Critically, any experiment executed by TFUtils can be uniquely identified by the following 5-tuple:

host Hostname where database connection lives
port Port where database connection lives
dbname Name of database for storage
collname Name of the database collection
exp_id Experiment id descriptor

The variables host/port/dbname/coll/exp_id control the location of the saved data for the run, in order of increasing specificity.


When choosing these, consider that:

  1. If a given host/port/dbname/coll/exp_id already has saved checkpoints, then any new call to start training with these same location variables will start to train from the most recent saved checkpoint. If you mistakenly try to start training a new model with different variable names, or structure, from that existing checkpoint, an error will be raised, as the model will be incompatiable with the saved variables.
  2. When choosing what dbname, coll, and exp_id, to use, keep in mind that mongodb queries only operate over a single collection. So if you want to analyze results from a bunch of experiments together using mongod queries, you should put them all in the same collection, but with different exp_ids. If, on the other hand, you never expect to analyze data from two experiments together, you can put them in different collections or different databases. Choosing between putting two experiments in two collections in the same database or in two totally different databases will depend on how you want to organize your results and is really a matter of preference.

With this in mind, let us specify our save_params:

from tfutils import model, utils
from tfutils.tests import mnist_data as data

host = 'localhost'
port = 27017  # default mongoDB port
dbname = 'tfutils_database'
collname = 'into_collection'
exp_id = 'hello_world_training'

params = {}
params['save_params'] = {'host': host,
                         'port': port,
                         'dbname': dbname,
                         'collname': collname,
                         'exp_id': exp_id,
                         'save_valid_freq': 20,
                         'save_filters_freq': 200,
                         'cache_filters_freq': 100,

Defining a Model

params['model_params'] = {'func': model.mnist_tfutils}

params['loss_params'] = {'targets': ['labels'],
                         'loss_per_case_func': tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits,
                         'agg_func': tf.reduce_mean})

params['optimizer_params'] = {'optimizer_class': tf.train.MomentumOptimizer,
                              'momentum': 0.9})

params['train_params'] = {'data_params': {'func': data.build_data,
                                          'batch_size': 100,
                                          'group': 'train'},
                          'num_steps': 500
params['learning_rate_params'] = {'learning_rate': 0.05,
                                  'decay_steps': num_batches_per_epoch,
                                  'decay_rate': 0.95,
                                  'staircase': True}

Including Validation

params['validation_params'] = {'valid0': {'data_params': {'func': data.build_data,
                                                          'batch_size': 100,
                                                          'group': 'test'},
                                          'num_steps': 10,
                                          'agg_func': utils.mean_dict}}

